On Monday, October 22, Byrd Barr Place employees spent the day helping out one of Byrd Barr Place’s founding members and a pivotal leader in the Central Area Economic Opportunity Citizens’ Committee.  One of the main authors of the original CAMP proposal, W. Ivan King has been invested in the plight of Central Area residents since he was a young man in the 1950s and 1960s, contributing as a committee member, social organizer, volunteer, employee, and historian for this impressive organization over the last 48 years.

Byrd Barr Place CEO Andrea Caupain decided it was time to give back to a man who has given Byrd Barr Place so much throughout his life, and so on Monday, October 22, Byrd Barr Place employees spent the day reaching back to their roots with Byrd Barr Place’s first “Beautification Project” in decades.  For several hours employees helped to tame Mr. King’s yard and garden, battling flower pots, spiders, and overgrown brush, before sharing lunch with Mr. King and learning more about the organization’s rich history.

Here are some photos of their day!












In Progress…






















Thank you Ivan King!